Mary Karuzas is a Psychic Medium.

Hello! My name is Mary Karuzas, and I am a psychic medium.

This means that I channel the spirits of loved ones who have passed from this world,

acting as an intermediary who receives and transmits communications between the living and the departed.

Besides being a medium, I am a daughter, mother, wife and grandmother,

living close to my two daughters and grandchildren.

I have over come many challenges in my life, and I am grateful for every one of them,

because they have helped me learn to trust myself and to love my life.

I believe this is an inborn ability, but for me, it is one that was latent until a few years ago,

when I began taking classes in energy-working after I retired from teaching.

Once discovered, I sought to develop this talent by finding mentors who could train me

in how to use this gift to help others. It has been a fascinating journey -- but let me start at the beginning . .

I grew up in a large Catholic family and became a first-grade teacher,

spending 24 years in the public school system. I loved being a teacher, and my personal mission

was to teach those little ones to love themselves and to love to read

(reading being one of my own life-long passions!). I always got the challenging kids because

I was able to love them unconditionally. Every child in my class knew that I loved them,

and as a result, they learned more and liked school.

After retiring, I became bored out of my gourd, which led me to follow up my interest in energy work by taking classes

from a local practitioner. I quickly discovered that I was good at reading other people's energy through their chakra systems.

(Chakras are metaphysical energy spheres located at several points within our bodies.) Becoming more sensitive

to other people's energy can allow one to help them fix energy imbalances that cause

physical and emotional problems, but that sensitivity can also lead to unanticipated

experiences such as the one I had at a local movie theater.

This theater had been the site of a mass shooting a year and a half before my husband and I went to a movie there.

Although the theater had been remodeled after that tragedy, when the lights went down, I "saw" everything

that had happened that horrific night. This traumatic experience opened a portal in me, and suddenly I began "seeing"

dead people, which in itself was traumatic; the first couple of times this happened, I just about turned inside out!

Fortunately, the Universe had my back, and within weeks of that theater visit, I received

an email advertisement about a 5-day Mediumship Intensive Workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico,

taught by James Van Praagh, the American spiritual medium who is a New York Times best selling author

and TV personality. I signed up immediately, loved every minute of the class, and learned that I am a natural medium.

I followed this first class up with James' Level 2 Mediumship Class, which consisted of papers,

coaching calls, online coaching meetings via Zoom, and a 5-day class in Encinitas, California.

It was in this class that I met one of the instructors, Lynn Propert,

who has become another one of my mentors. Lynn is from London, England,

and has been a spiritualist medium for over 30 years. She is a regular instructor

at England's Arthur Finley College, a premier school for teaching all kinds of mediumship.

At the end of the class in Encinitas, James encouraged me to join his Level 3 Apprenticeship Program,

waiving the usual audition requirement because he said that I was ready. Along with 12 other students,

I spent the next 9 months deepening my connection to "the other side. "Our graduation consisted

of doing a demonstration in front of a live audience, an experience which I loved!

Every time I connect with the other side, I am reminded how much I love doing this,

and how sacred and holy this work is.

I also volunteer at the New Dawn Center for Spiritual Living, where I have been a member

there for over 14 years, and have been a practitioner (trained prayer partner)

there for about 12 years. I view my work as a medium to be a continuation of the spiritual journey

I have been on my whole life,t raveling a sacred path of discovering the divine within myself and all those around me

– hence my business name, Sacred Path Conversations.


Mary K / Sacred Path Conversations does not guarantee or promise who comes through or what messages she may recieve. Mary's connection comes from the Universe and she have no control over those messages. Information Mary K offers to you should not be used in place of any recommendations by legal, medical professionals or other professional advice. If you are seeking medical or legal solutions, please contact the appropriate specialist. This psychic site and Mary K are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from using this site, Mary K's services as listed on the site, or its content

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